Volunteer with
Polk County Recycling & Beautification
Making Polk County a Cleaner Place
En la Estación de recolección de ciudadanos del condado de Polk en 10311 N Hwy 146, Livingston, TX 77351;
If you are committed to making Polk County a better (cleaner) place,
La clasificación previa de sus materiales ayuda a nuestros voluntarios
Volunteering at the Recycling Center is rewarding, meaningful, and fun!
Volunteers are needed for 2-3 hour shifts every Tuesday, Friday, and Saturday at the Polk County Recycling Center and every Wednesday at the Onalaska Loop Drop-Off Center.
The job consists of greeting every customer, assisting with their sorting, helping customers unload and lift their recyclables, and keeping the Center clean.
We are also looking for volunteers to help with local area clean-up events. Our next scheduled clean-up is our Adopt-A-Highway Clen-Up on Hwy 146 from Schwab City Baptist Church
to Forest Spring Subdivision, Saturday, December 10th.
Live your commitment to Polk County by signing up at the Recycling Center, contacting Brian at 936-337-3315, or emailing PCRBTexas@gmail.com. Thank you!